Shop Talk Blog

The Official Blog for Texas Final Drive

Dr McCaslin

Recent Posts

Basics of Synthetic Hydraulic Fluid

In our last blog post, we talked about the three different categories of hydraulic fluid: petroleum-based, synthetic, and water-based. Our focus for this post will be an overview of synthetic hydraulic fluid. 

Here are the other Shop Talk Blog posts in this series:

Excavator Dangers on the Worksite

How dangerous are excavators on the worksite? When used by skilled, alert operators, excavators are safe -- and indispensable. However, accidents do happen and some are a bit more common than others. Oh, and all the data you're about to see came from OSHA.

Here are some additional Shop Talk blog posts you might find interesting:

Caterpillar Medium Excavators: Final Drive Failures

Do you own a CAT 320, 325, 330, or 336? Read on to learn about the most common causes of final drive motor failure on these machines.

Here are a few other Shop Talk Blog posts you might find of interest:

Killdozer: An Engineering Perspective

by Dr McCaslin | Jan 14, 2022 |

Komatsu, Dozer, Bulldozer


You've probably heard about the Killdozer, but have you ever thought about it from an engineering perspective?

Here are a few other Shop Talk blog posts you might find interesting:

Hydraulic Charge Pumps and Your Final Drive

by Dr McCaslin | Jan 10, 2022 |

Brakes, Charge Pump


Do you know what charge pumps are and how they can affect your final drive when they start wearing out? Read on to find out!

Here are a few other blog posts you might find of interest:

Santa's Naughty List Includes Those Who Neglect Their Compact Equipment

 It's getting very close to Christmas. It might be too late to make it on Santa's good list, but here are some tips for next year. 

Here are a few other blog posts you might be interested in:

How Reliable is Your Compact Equipment?

by Dr McCaslin | Dec 17, 2021 |

Maintenance, Predictive Maintenance, Reliability


Reliability measures aren’t just for big contractors -- they can be useful to one-man operations, as well. In this blog post, we'll provide a very basic introduction to reliability measures.

Here are a few other Shop Talk Blog posts you might find of interest:

Hydraulic Motor Wear and How to Minimize It

by Dr McCaslin | Nov 17, 2021 |

Hydraulic Motors, Wear


Wear is inevitable, but there are ways you can keep it from accelerating in your hydraulic motor.


Here are some other Shop Talk Blog posts you might find of interest:

Compact Equipment & Dinosaurs

What kind of compact equipment would a dinosaur park need? And no, we don't mean animatronics! Or Earl Sinclair the construction worker from Dinosaurs! We mean an honest-to-goodness park full of live dinosaurs ...

Here are some additional Shop Talk blog posts you might find helpful or interesting:

Hydraulic Motor Efficiency

by Dr McCaslin | Oct 21, 2021 |

Hydraulic Motors


Your final drive includes a hydraulic motor and that motor has a certain level of efficiency associated with it. Over time, that efficiency can drop -- so find out how efficiency is measured, what the source of losses are, and how to minimize them.

Here are a few other Shop Talk blog posts you might find helpful ...

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