If there’s one thing we know here at Texas Final Drive, it’s how we wish people would maintain their final drive motors. That’s why we’ve come up with this comprehensive guide to final drive motor maintenance. It touches on more than just the final drives, though, because issues such as track tension and even a dirty undercarriage can impact the performance of your final drives and cause premature wear.
A Masterclass in Maintaining Your Final Drives
Final Drive Maintenance, Gear oil, Leaks, Maintenance, Preventative Maintenance, Case Drain Filters, Undercarriage
|Case Drain Filter: Good or Bad?
Why don't we see case drain filters on all compact hydraulic equipment? There are pros and cons to including them in the hydraulic design. If your machine requires one, then it is critical that you replace it regularly.
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The Engineering Behind Hydraulic Filters
Case Drain Filters, Hydraulic Filters, Hydraulic Contamination
|Hydraulic filters are a critical component of any hydraulic system, including your compact equipment. And when they fail, it can be catastrophic for your final drive motor. In this blog post, you will learn about the engineering that goes behind the design and selection of these filters.
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The number one cause of failure for a Bobcat final drive is lack of maintenance. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we’ll review the most important things you need to do to maintain the final drive on your Bobcat CTL, SSL, or mini-excavator.
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4 Horrifying Final Drive Failures
Final Drive Failure, Final Drive Motor Seals, Gear oil, Leaks, Case Drain Filters, bearings, rotator group
|Not all final drive motor failures are equal! Some are just horrifying ...
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Why You Should be Concerned about Hydraulic Contamination
Case Drain Filters, Hydraulic Filters, Contamination, Hydraulic Contamination
|How serious is hydraulic contamination? Can it really damage your machine? Can you risk ignoring it?
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Bobcat Final Drive Failures and Case Drain Filters
Final Drive Failure, Case Drain Filters, bobcat final drive, Case Drain
|A good number of the failed Bobcat final drive motors we see come in are related to the case drain filter. Here's why -- and how to keep it from happening to you!
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5 Final Drive Maintenance Tips
Final Drive Motor Seals, Final Drive Maintenance, Leaks, Case Drain Filters, Troubleshooting, Contamination
|We make money off final drives that no longer work, but we hate to see an otherwise good final drive fail because it wasn’t maintained properly. Here are five final drive maintenance tips to help you keep your final drive maintained and performing well.
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The Most Pervasive Problems in Final Drive Motor Maintenance
Final Drive Maintenance, Gear oil, Leaks, Preventative Maintenance, Case Drain Filters, Final Drive Problem
|There are some final drive motor maintenance failures that we encounter over and over, and we’d like to make sure you are aware of them so they don’t happen to you. Are you guilt of any of these?
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Your Worst Nightmare About Final Drive Hydraulic Motors Come to Life
Final Drive Installation, Case Drain Filters, Final Drive Diagnosis, Final Drive Problem
|Your mini excavator is the key piece of equipment in a major project with a very fussy client. Everything is going according to schedule, and it looks like there will be no problem in meeting the deadline coming up in just two days. That is, until something whizzes by you while you're inspecting some recent work on site. You rush over there to take a look at what flew by and recognize it as the cover plate off the travel motor on your excavator. Your worst nightmare about final drives and travel motors has just come to life.
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