Shop Talk Blog

The Official Blog for Texas Final Drive

Hydraulic Charge Pumps and Your Final Drive

by Dr McCaslin | Jan 10, 2022 |

Brakes, Charge Pump


Do you know what charge pumps are and how they can affect your final drive when they start wearing out? Read on to find out!

Here are a few other blog posts you might find of interest:

Damaged Final Drives: Brakes

by Dr McCaslin | Mar 04, 2021 |

Brakes, Final Drive Problem, Troubleshooting


This is a collection of images showing final drive brake systems in various stages of damage, along with a video illustrating what this type of damage can sound like. Don't let this happen to your drive motors!

Here are a few additional Shop Talk Blog posts you might find helpful:

How To Fix a Final Drive Brake Assembly

If you have a Bobcat T180, Bobcat T190, or Bobcat T140 compact track loader, you may eventually need to replace the brake pack. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to talk about what the brake pack is, how it works, signs of wear, and what to expect when it comes time to replace it ... complete with a video from Dr Drive himself!

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