Shop Talk Blog

The Official Blog for Texas Final Drive

Why Buying a Used Final Drive Motor is a Bad Idea

Buying a used final drive motor for your machine seems like an economical choice -- but while it may be good in a pinch, it’s not a good investment for the long haul.


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Finding the Right Final Drive for Your Skid Steer or Compact Track Loader

You've reached the point that the final drive on your skid steer loader or compact track loader just has to be replaced. So what do you need to know before you order one?

Here are a few other Shop Talk blog posts that you might be interested in:

Final Drives: Why Not Just Buy Used?

by Jim Strong | Feb 07, 2021 |

Reman Final Drives, Used Equipment


Let's talk about why purchasing a used final drive motor isn't worth the risk.

Here are a few other blog posts you might find helpful:

Final Drive Solutions for Older Machines

You've got an older machine that the OEM doesn't support anymore and one of your final drive motors has gone out. What are your options? Find out!


Here are a few other blog posts you might find useful:

5 Things to Watch Out For When Inspecting Used Equipment

Purchasing used equipment can be far more economical than purchasing a brand new machine. However, a piece of used equipment isn't always worth its price tag. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we'll give you 5 things to look for when inspecting used equipment: signs of overloading, paint jobs, fluid issues, corrosion, and shipping problems. From skid steers to excavators, we've got you covered.

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