Shop Talk Blog

The Official Blog for Texas Final Drive

Why Buying a Used Final Drive Motor is a Bad Idea

Buying a used final drive motor for your machine seems like an economical choice -- but while it may be good in a pinch, it’s not a good investment for the long haul.


Here are a few other Shop Talk Blog posts you might find helpful ...

Skid Steers and Compact Track Loaders in the US Armed Forces

by Jim Strong | Apr 22, 2022 |

Case, John Deere, kubota, bobcat, Caterpillar


We’ve talked before about compact equipment in the military. But in this Shop Talk Blog post, we want to look at skids steers and compact track loaders, mainly focusing on how they are used, how they are sometimes transported, and what manufacturers are most popular.

Republic of Singapore Air Force Airmen perform sling load operations at the Mystic drop zone, hoisting a Bobcat S450 skid steer loader with an RSAF CH-47 D Chinook helicopter in support of the Golden Coyote training exercise at the South Dakota National Guard West Camp Rapid training facility, Rapid City, S.D., June 14, 2016. The Golden Coyote exercise is a three-phase, scenario-driven exercise conducted in the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming, which enables commanders to focus on mission essential task requirements, warrior tasks and battle drills. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Kristen Root/Released)

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Basics of Skid Steer Loaders

Here's some basic information about skid steers, including how they are categorized, operating costs, maintenance, and -- of course -- final drive motors.

Fuel Costs and Compact Equipment Maintenance

by Dr McCaslin | Mar 29, 2022 |

Final Drive Maintenance, Maintenance, Efficiency


Diesel prices have been rising, and while they may seem to be going down a bit, it’s doubtful they’ll drop back down to what they were a year ago. As a result, these prices are impacting your bottom line. And while you don’t control the cost of fuel, you can make some changes that will improve the efficiency of your equipment.

Basics of Synthetic Hydraulic Fluid

In our last blog post, we talked about the three different categories of hydraulic fluid: petroleum-based, synthetic, and water-based. Our focus for this post will be an overview of synthetic hydraulic fluid. 

Here are the other Shop Talk Blog posts in this series:

3 Basic Types of Hydraulic Fluid

by Jim Strong | Mar 12, 2022 |

hydraulic fluid


There are a ton of different hydraulic fluids on the market -- how do you know which one is the right one for your equipment? In this Shop Talk Blog post, we're going to look at the three basic types of hydraulic fluid. And expect some more blog posts on the subject!


Here are a few other Shop Talk Blog posts you might be interested in:

World's Largest Skid Steer Loader

by Jim Strong | Mar 03, 2022 |

Skid Steers, Skid-Steer Loaders, SSL


Have you ever wondered who makes the largest skid steer loader?


Here are a few other Shop Talk Blog posts you might find interesting:

Preventive Maintenance and Compact Equipment

What kind of maintenance practices do you follow for your compact equipment? We recommend preventive maintenance, especially when it comes to your final drive motors.

Here are a few other Shop Talk blog posts you might enjoy ...

Excavator Dangers on the Worksite

How dangerous are excavators on the worksite? When used by skilled, alert operators, excavators are safe -- and indispensable. However, accidents do happen and some are a bit more common than others. Oh, and all the data you're about to see came from OSHA.

Here are some additional Shop Talk blog posts you might find interesting:

A Look Inside a Real Final Drive Repair/Reman Shop

Have you ever wondered what the inside of a real hydraulic repair shop looks like?

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