Shop Talk Blog

The Official Blog for Texas Final Drive

World's Biggest Hydraulic Shovel?

The world's biggest hydraulic shovel has been the Bucyrus RH400 for many years -- read on to learn more about this monstrous hydraulic machine!

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Bobcat Final Drive Failures and Case Drain Filters

A good number of the failed Bobcat final drive motors we see come in are related to the case drain filter. Here's why -- and how to keep it from happening to you!

Here are a few other Shop Talk Blog posts you might be interested in:

Final Drive Solutions for Older Machines

You've got an older machine that the OEM doesn't support anymore and one of your final drive motors has gone out. What are your options? Find out!


Here are a few other blog posts you might find useful:

Taking Care of the Track Drives on Your Excavator

Your excavator is a vital part of your work, and you know that if the track drives go out that excavator will not be moving anywhere. That’s why we have put together a list of tips to help you keep those track drives running!

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Australia, Cocaine, and Excavators

by Dr McCaslin | Aug 25, 2019 |

Excavators, Heavy Equipment Safety, Caterpillar, CAT

1 Comment

There are some things excavators are not meant to be used for, but recent news out of Australia illustrates a brand-new way to use excavators that many of us probably never dreamed of ... and let's hope no one tries again!

Here are a few other blog posts you might find interesting:

Advancements in Hydraulic Motor Design: Clearances

The most modern hydraulic motor designs include clearances that are much smaller than those of older models. These smaller clearances, while providing even better efficiency and performance, can cause their own share of problems. That’s the topic of this Shop Talk Blog -- as well as how to deal with the problems that result from reduced clearances.

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Man Killed in Bobcat Skid Steer Loader Accident

by Dr McCaslin | Aug 11, 2019 |

Skid Steers, Skid-Steer Loaders, Skid Loaders, bobcat, SSLs


You might have noticed in the news recently that there had been another fatal accident related to a Bobcat. What led to this tragic fatality?

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Common Questions About Eaton JMV Track Drive Motors

When it’s time to replace the track drive on your mini excavator, don’t forget that one of your options is an Eaton JMV axial piston hydraulic motor. Here are some answers to questions you might have about this line of motors.

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Danger of a Dry Starting a Hydraulic Motor

Did you know you can invalidate the warranty of your final drive motor if you make the mistake of dry starting it after you’ve just installed it? Read on to learn what a dry start it, how it can damage your motor, and how to keep it from happening to you.

Here are a few additional posts you might be interested in ...

Built Robotics: Are Robots Going to Replace Operators?

by Dr McCaslin | Jul 17, 2019 |

Excavators, CTL, Autonomous Equipment


In the three years since it was founded, Built Robotics has progressed considerably from an automated compact track loader to a research fleet of seven heavy equipment machines. So what exactly are their goals? Do we need to worry about robotic overlords taking the form of compact track loaders and skid steers?


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