Shop Talk Blog

The Official Blog for Texas Final Drive

Why You Should be Concerned about Hydraulic Contamination

How serious is hydraulic contamination? Can it really damage your machine? Can you risk ignoring it?

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Nachi Wheel Motors

by Jim Strong | Mar 09, 2020 |

Tracks, Track Drives, Nachi, Wheel motor, Nachi PHV


Nachi is a well-known brand for many things, including its PHV wheel motors made especially for tracked machines like excavators, cranes, and trenchers.

Here are a few other posts you might find of interest:

Bobcat Final Drive Basics

by Jim Strong | Feb 21, 2020 |

Bobcat Equipment, bobcat final drive, bobcat


Bobcat is an extremely popular brand of compact equipment including SSLs, CTLs, and mini excavators. All of these machines need final drives to operate, so here are some of the basics about Bobcat final drive motors.

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Tragic Skid Steer Accident Involves Little Boy

When it comes to construction equipment, whether its a behemoth hydraulic shovel or a compact skid steer loader, safety is everything. And any kind of injury is distressing, and any death is heartbreaking -- but especially when it involves a little boy.

Are Final Drives, Hydraulic Motors, and Track Motors all the Same?

by Dr McCaslin | Jan 17, 2020 |

Travel Motor, Final drive motor, Swing Motor


A lot of people use terms like final drive, travel motor, track drive, and hydraulic motor interchangeably ... but are they really the same?

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Final Drive Maintenance for the New Year

New Year's resolutions, as sincere as they may be, are often not kept. However, we'd like to suggest a resolution all you equipment owners out there: maintain your final drive motors.



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Santa's Compact Excavator Fleet

Carving a massive manufacturing and distribution center out of a land covered in snow and ice is not minor feat -- especially when you consider yearly expansions that are necessary to meet global toy demands.


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So Many SSLs in Texas!

by Dr McCaslin | Dec 12, 2019 |

Skid-Steer Loaders, SSLs


I recently drove with a friend for about 5 hours from East Texas to Austin, and along the way I was surprised at just how many skid steer loaders I spotted. One has to wonder exactly how many there are in Texas!

Here are a few more blog posts you might be interested in:

Of Turkeys and Bobcats

by Dr McCaslin | Nov 26, 2019 |

Skid-Steer Loaders, bobcat final drive, bobcat, SSLs


If you own a Bobcat machine or a skid-steer loader, you have a turkey to thank. And with this week being Thanksgiving (a holiday almost synonymous with turkeys), we thought it might be a good time to discuss some interesting facts about both.


Here are some additional Shop Talk Blog posts you might enjoy:

Winterizing Construction Equipment

It's suddenly gotten pretty cold here in Texas where we are located, but we have customers from all of the country that have to deal with cold weather issues at temperatures far lower than what we ever get. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to take a look at how to keep your equipment running in genuinely cold weather.



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