Shop Talk Blog

The Official Blog for Texas Final Drive

3 Considerations in Keeping Your Final Drive Running

Final drives have to endure quite a bit – like high-impact loads, extreme torque, sudden direction changes, and frequent gear changes. You know that when your final drive stops, your machine stops. That means one of your goals should be to keep that final drive running.  In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to discuss some of the considerations in keeping your final drive running.



MTL versus CTL:  What’s the Difference?

by Dr McCaslin | Mar 14, 2017 |

Heavy Equipment 101, Excavators, Mini-excavators


Multi Terrain Loaders and Compact Track Loaders

Many people use the terms multi-terrain loader and compact track loader interchangeably, but they aren’t the same.  In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to discuss the difference between MTL's and CTL's and how those difference impact function and performance.

4 Key Maintenance Tasks for Final Drives

Final Drive Motor Preventive Maintenance


Based on our own experience here at Texas Final Drive, the maintenance for final drives can be broken into four key tasks.  When these tasks are performed as recommended, they will greatly extend the life of your final drive, keep your equipment running, and save you money.  Let's see what these four tasks are ...






The Shop Talk blog has several other posts you might be interested in, including these:

CASE CTL:  Options for Replacing the Hydraulic Motor and Final Drive

Top Compact Track Loader CASE TR340



Last year, Equipment Today named the CASE TR340 CTL one of their Contractor’s Top 50 New Products.  CASE compact track loaders have long been popular because of their quality, reliability, and power.  One of the facts of life, however, is that even the best piece of equipment is going to have parts with a limited life span, including final drives.  In this blog post, we are going to talk about your options when it comes to replacing a CASE hydraulic final drive motor for a compact track loader.






Heavy Equipment 101: Classifying Hydraulic Motors by Function

Travel Motors Versus Slew Motors


There are several different ways to classify hydraulic motors, but in this Shop Talk blog post we are going to focus on classifying them in terms of the function they perform, starting with travel motors versus slew motors.  Do you know the difference?





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Excavator Tires Versus Tracks: Which Has the Best Traction?

 Excavators Traction, Tracks, and Tires



Which has the best traction for excavation equipment:  tires or tracks?  The answer to that question is not as easy as it might seem.  In this Shop Talk blog post, we are going to take a look the subject of traction, tracks, and tires, beginning with a discussion about the coefficient of traction.




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The Basics of Mini Excavators

Small Hydraulic Excavators

Mini-excavators, also known as compact excavators, are small hydraulic excavators valued primarily for their ability to maneuver and function within tight or narrow areas where larger excavators can’t.  

Here are some additional posts from the Shop Talk Blog that you might want to read ...

7 Quick Tips for Skid Steer Maintenance in Extreme Weather

Skid Steers and Aggressive Weather

Skid-steers are going to need a different type of maintenance when faced with extreme weather, whether its extreme heat or extreme cold.  In this blog post, we are going to give you some tips on how to keep your skid-steer loader running well even in aggressive weather.

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16 Hydraulic Motor Terms You Need to Know

Dictionary Terms Related to Hydraulic Motors

Did you know that there are 7 different types of torque related to hydraulic motors?  Are you sure you know what maximum and minimum motor speed mean?  If you're interested in a review of these terms, we’ve put together this dictionary of terms related to hydraulic motors that are important for you to know.

Here are a few more blog posts from the Shop Talk blog:

Skid Steer Motion and Hydraulic Motors

by Regina M. Dick | Feb 08, 2017 |

Heavy Equipment 101, Skid Steers, Excavators


Skid Steer Loader Popularity

Skid steers, also known as skid loaders and skid steer loaders, have been around since the late 1950s.  They are among the most versatile pieces of construction and landscaping equipment on the market today, and their popularity has not waned over the years. In this bog post, we are going to talk about hydraulic motors and how skid steers move.


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