Shop Talk Blog

The Official Blog for Texas Final Drive

Final Drive Motors: Frequently Asked Questions

Final drive motors are essential components in heavy machinery. They turn hydraulic energy into mechanical motion to propel equipment. Understanding their function, maintenance, and common issues is crucial for optimal performance and longevity. Here are some frequently asked questions about final drive motors.

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What is a final drive motor?

A final drive motor is a hydraulic motor that converts hydraulic pressure into mechanical torque. It drives the tracks or wheels of both heavy and compact equipment like excavators, compact track loaders, and skid steer loaders. A final drive motor combines a hydraulic motor with a gear reduction system to provide the necessary force for movement.

Damaged Final Drives: Brakes

by Dr McCaslin | Mar 04, 2021 |

Brakes, Final Drive Problem, Troubleshooting


This is a collection of images showing final drive brake systems in various stages of damage, along with a video illustrating what this type of damage can sound like. Don't let this happen to your drive motors!

Here are a few additional Shop Talk Blog posts you might find helpful:

5 Signs of a Good Place to Send Your Final Drive

by Dr McCaslin | Jul 13, 2020 |

Final Drive Problem, Final Drive Repair


You've got a good deal of money invested in your equipment, including your final drive motors. When something goes wrong, you need a reputable shop to perform the diagnosis and repairs, so here are five signs to look for.

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The Most Pervasive Problems in Final Drive Motor Maintenance

There are some final drive motor maintenance failures that we encounter over and over, and we’d like to make sure you are aware of them so they don’t happen to you. Are you guilt of any of these?

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The Basics of Cavitation

The effects of cavitation are usually pretty easy to identify -- it causes a metal surface to have a pitted, crater-like appearance. What happens when cavitation takes place, and how it actually causes damage to normally resistant metals, isn’t quite as well known. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we’ll be talking about what causes cavitation and why it can result in so much damage.

Here are a few other posts from our Shop Talk Blog series ...

Grease vs Oil, Or Why You Don't Put Grease in Your Final Drive Motor

by Dr McCaslin | Jan 08, 2019 |

Gear oil, Final Drive Problem, Lubrication, Grease


Some owners/operators see grease as a quick solution to a leaking seal, especially when it comes to a gear hub that is leaking oil. This is not a good temporary solution, much less a long-term solution. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we’ll explain why grease is not a solution to a leaking seal on a final drive gear hub -- and throw in an infographic for good measure!

When Professionals Run Into Problems With Final Drives This Is What They Do

Final drive motors, travel motors, and wheel motors are costly and vital to your equipment. When you run into problems with them, you might want to do what the professionals do. Here is some professional advice on how to handle problems with the hydraulic motors on your equipment.

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Facts You Need to Know about Bearings and Final Drive Motors

Every hydraulic motor, final drive, and travel motor is going to have bearings. Those bearings are a key component in its design and vital to its efficient operation. When bearings fail, quickly take out other parts and can render a hydraulic motor irreparably damaged. In this Shop Talk Blog post, you will learn key facts that you need to know about bearings and final drive motors.

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Scoring in Final Drive Hydraulic Motors

by Dr McCaslin | Nov 19, 2018 |

Final Drive Failure, Final Drive Problem


Not all the damage that we see come into our shop here a Texas Final Drive is dramatic -- sometimes it takes a trained eye to spot the problem. A good example of that is scoring of key components, like the cam ring out of a radial piston hydraulic motor. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to talk about scoring, its causes, why it’s serious, and how to prevent it.

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Swivel Joint Issues and Travel Motor Symptoms


On excavators, swivel joint problems can cause your travel motors to seem weak or perform unpredictably. If the problem is your swivel joint, then replacing the travel motors won’t help. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to review what a swivel joint does, how it can affect your travel motors, and how to track down the real source of your problem.

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