Shop Talk Blog

The Official Blog for Texas Final Drive

Jim Strong

Jim represents the team of professionals behind Texas Final Drive.
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5 Things to Look for When Replacing a CAT Hydraulic Motor

Comparing Hydraulic Motors

Right in the middle of a time-sensitive job your CAT skid steer loader won’t move.  It’s a hydraulic motor, and you need a replacement ASAP.  What can you expect when you go online to find a replacement?  What should you look for when comparing different companies?  That's the topic of this Shop Talk Blog post.

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Neglected Final Drive Maintenance: Blown Cover Plates

Case Drain Filters Overlooked Maintenance Task

Did you know that overlooking a simple maintenance task can result in the cover plate being cracked or blown off your final drive during operation?  And did you know that such a dramatic failure isn’t all that unusual?  In this blog post, we are going to talk about one of the most neglected aspects of final drive maintenance:  case drain filters.




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The REMADE Institute and Re-Manufacturing

by Jim Strong | Jan 18, 2017 |

Reman Final Drives, Heavy Equipment


Positive Manufacturing Impact

The US Department of Energy just announced the REMADE InstituteReducing Embodied-energy And Decreasing Emissions — which possesses the dual goal of increasing US manufacturing competitiveness while driving down the often prohibitive costs of recycling, reusing, and remanufacturing.  This exciting initiative can have a very positive impact on both the environment and economy here in the US.

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Heavy Equipment Theft in the US -- What You Need to Know

by Jim Strong | Jan 17, 2017 |

Heavy Equipment, Heavy Equipment 101



Besides equipment failure, there is one other occurrence that can stop a construction project in its tracks:  heavy equipment theft.  In average, experts estimate that equipment theft results in $400 million of equipment alone, not including down time, project delays, rental costs, etc.  In this blog post, we are going to review what you need to know about equipment theft in the US.




Here are some other Shop Talk blog posts you might find interesting:

Early Years of the Skid-Steer

by Jim Strong | Dec 22, 2016 |

Heavy Equipment, Heavy Equipment 101, Skid Steers


Skid Steer History

According to Joe Keller at, the birth of the skid steer can be traced back to the summer of 1956. Elvis Presley’s song “Heartbreak Hotel” was at the top of the charts, Eisenhower was president, and Gunsmoke was on television.  The first skid steer, however, looked a little different from the modern skid steer.

Here are some additional Shop Talk Blog posts you might find useful ...

18 Tips to Help Minimize Operating Costs for Skid Steers

Your skid-steer represents a significant investment for your fleet. The key to getting the most out of your investment includes:

  • minimizing operating costs,
  • reducing downtime, and
  • extending its life. 

Included here are some simple maintenance and operating tips to help you minimize the costs related to your skid steers...






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