Shop Talk Blog

The Official Blog for Texas Final Drive

Jim Strong

Jim represents the team of professionals behind Texas Final Drive.
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5 Things You Should Know About Floating Face Seals

Floating Face Seals and Track Drive Maintenance

The floating face seal is a vital part of your travel motor or final drive, whether its on a John Deere skid steer or an ASV compact track loader. It rests against the hub, holding in the gear oil on the planetary side and preventing contaminants from getting in where they can damage bearings and gear. If this seal begins to leak, your travel drive motor will suffer damage. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to talk about 5 things you should know about floating face seals and track drive maintenance.

CTL Maintenance: Track Drive Motors, Undercarriage, and Tracks

Preventive Maintenance Focus on Track Drive


Performing preventative maintenance on your compact track loader or multi-terrain loader will save you thousands of dollars in repairs and down-time.  At the Shop Talk Blog, we've put together a short guide to help you keep your CTL or MTL running smoothly, focusing on the track drive, undercarriage, and tracks.






Skid Steers Turned Deadly?

Stupidity and Inexperience = Skid Steers Danger!


Skid steers are among the most popular compact equipment machines on the market today, but lack of attention, inexperience, and stupidity can quickly turn such a useful machine into something deadly. In this Shop Talk blog post, we are going to discuss the recent spate of fatal accidents involving skid steers, whether or not skid steers are inherently dangerous, and a list of excellent resources for promoting skid steer safety.



Taking Your Hydraulic Motor Diagnosis Seriously

Hydraulic Motor Failure


When your hydraulic motor or final drive fails, your first thought is to get it repaired or re-manufactured so that you can get your machine running again. After all, there are deadlines to meet and costs associated with the downtime of your machine. However, it is important to consider what caused it to fail in the first place so you can reduce the probability of it happening again.







Check out some rather interesting other Shop Talk Blog posts that address potential mechanical failure, :


The Main Cause of Radial Piston Motor Failure: Do You Know What It Is?

We’ve been getting in quite a few radial piston motors, especially those coming off CAT CTLs. In this blog post, we are going to talk about the most common reason for failure of radial piston motors that get sent in to us for repair or re-manufacturing -- and how easily this failure mode can be prevented.


3 Vital Questions about Single-Speed and Dual-Speed Final Drives

Replacing Final Drive Motors

When it comes time to replace your final drive motor, it can be hard to tell if you have a two speed or a single speed motor -- and  you need to be able to order the correct one the first time! In this blog post, the goal is to help you figure out what you need for your CTL (compact track loader), SSL (skid-steer loader), or excavator.

4 Key Maintenance Tasks for Final Drives

Final Drive Motor Preventive Maintenance


Based on our own experience here at Texas Final Drive, the maintenance for final drives can be broken into four key tasks.  When these tasks are performed as recommended, they will greatly extend the life of your final drive, keep your equipment running, and save you money.  Let's see what these four tasks are ...






The Shop Talk blog has several other posts you might be interested in, including these:

Heavy Equipment 101: Classifying Hydraulic Motors by Function

Travel Motors Versus Slew Motors


There are several different ways to classify hydraulic motors, but in this Shop Talk blog post we are going to focus on classifying them in terms of the function they perform, starting with travel motors versus slew motors.  Do you know the difference?





Here are a few other Shop Talk blog posts we'd like to recommend:

The Basics of Mini Excavators

Small Hydraulic Excavators

Mini-excavators, also known as compact excavators, are small hydraulic excavators valued primarily for their ability to maneuver and function within tight or narrow areas where larger excavators can’t.  

Here are some additional posts from the Shop Talk Blog that you might want to read ...

16 Hydraulic Motor Terms You Need to Know

Dictionary Terms Related to Hydraulic Motors

Did you know that there are 7 different types of torque related to hydraulic motors?  Are you sure you know what maximum and minimum motor speed mean?  If you're interested in a review of these terms, we’ve put together this dictionary of terms related to hydraulic motors that are important for you to know.

Here are a few more blog posts from the Shop Talk blog:

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