Shop Talk Blog

The Official Blog for Texas Final Drive

Final Drives: Re-Manufactured versus Rebuilt

Rebuilt VS. Re-Manufactured Motors

You have seen final drives, travel motors, and hydraulic motors advertised as “rebuilt” or “re-manufactured.” You might have assumed that this refers to the same thing, but, in reality, they are very different.  In this blog post, we are going to look at the difference between a rebuilt final drive and a re-manufactured final drive.

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Most Common Failure Items on a Final Drive

Final Drive Motor Failure

There are certain items on a final drive that are more likely to fail than others.  They will cause damage to the motor, if left unchecked.  Routine maintenance of these items will not only prevent damage but greatly extend the life of the components of the final drive motor.

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Effectively Cleaning a Final Drive

Love for Machinery

No technician with any love for machinery wants to open up a final drive for evaluation and find it caked in dried mud, debris, and rust.  In this article, we are going to go over our procedure for cleaning a final drive before its disassembly.

The final drives that we receive for evaluation, repair, or re-manufacturing are definitely not in like-new condition.  In fact, most of them look like this Rexroth final drive from a Bobcat T140/T180/T190.

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5 Reasons a Final Drive Can Lack Power

Lack of Power in Your Machinery?

Lack of power is a common complaint when a final drive or travel motor is in need of service.  It reveals itself when your machine is unable to climb a steep grade or it keeps steering to one side.  There are six potential causes behind a lack of power, and not all of them are the fault of the final drive.

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