Shop Talk Blog

The Official Blog for Texas Final Drive

Dr McCaslin

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A Deeper Dive into Petroleum-Based Hydraulic Fluids

by Dr McCaslin | Mar 06, 2025 |

hydraulic fluid


Skid steer loaders, compact track loaders, and mini-excavators typically use petroleum-based hydraulic fluids. How much do you know about the hydraulic fluids you work with every day? Let's see if we can share something you don't know yet!

Here are a few other Shop Talk Blog posts you might find of interest:

Wheels vs. Tracks for Skid Steers: Which One Should You Choose?

by Dr McCaslin | Feb 08, 2025 | |

If you use a skid steer, you’ve probably wondered whether wheels or tracks are better for your machine. Each option has its own set of pros and cons. The choice depends on your job, budget, and work environment.

Wheels vs. Tracks for Skid Steers Which One Should You Choose

In this Shop Talk Blog, we’ll help to break it down so you can decide what’s best for you.

Here are a few other Shop Talk Blog posts you might find interesting:

Prepping a Backyard Farm with a Compact Track Loader

by Dr McCaslin | Feb 03, 2025 |

Compact Track Loader, CTL


Many dream of turning their backyard into a farm, where they can grow fruits and vegetables, raise chickens, and even keep goats. Prepping your land is key to success, whether you’re planning to create a chicken coop, a goat pen, or a small orchard. Compact track loaders (CTLs) are the unsung heroes for projects like these. They combine versatility, power, and efficiency to help you transform your property. 

In this Shop Talk Blog post, let’s dive into how these machines can help you build the backyard farm of your dreams.

Here are a few other Shop Talk Blog posts you might find of interest:

The 8 Most Common Issues with Hydraulic Cylinders on Compact Equipment

by Dr McCaslin | Jan 18, 2025 |

Hydraulic Cylinders



Hydraulic cylinder issues, such as leaks, drift, rod damage, and slow operation, can significantly impact equipment performance and longevity. By addressing these common issues proactively, however, you can ensure optimal hydraulic cylinder performance and minimize downtime.

This Shop Talk Blog post talks about the most common hydraulic cylinder issues, what causes them, and how to prevent them.

Here are a few other Shop Talk Blog posts you might be interested in:

Debunked - Four Final Drive Myths


Think final drive motors don’t need maintenance? Think again! While they’re built to last, ignoring routine care can lead to big problems down the road—like leaks, breakdowns, or even total failure. The good news? A little maintenance goes a long way in keeping your equipment running smoothly, saving you time and money.

In this post, we’re busting common myths about final drive motors and sharing simple tips to keep them in top shape. Let’s dive in and set the record straight!

Here are a few other blog posts that might interest you:

1. Myth: Final Drive Motors Are Completely Maintenance-Free

Reality: While final drive motors are durable, they must be regularly maintained. Maintenance includes: 

  • Checking and changing the gear oil
  • Cleaning the undercarriage and around the final drive
  • Fluid analysis

Besides the obvious benefits of maintenance, it also ensures the life of your final drive, enhances efficiency, and helps promote excellent performance. If you don’t want to be stranded with a compact machine that won’t move or have to pay costly repair or replacement costs for your final drive, maintain your final drive motors. Neglecting maintenance can lead to decreased machine performance, increased fuel consumption, and even total machine failure.

Safe Hydraulic System Maintenance Practices You Should Follow

by Dr McCaslin | Oct 05, 2024 |

Heavy Equipment Safety, Safety, LOTO, PPE


Hydraulic systems are powerful and complex,  which is why there is so much emphasis prioritizing safety during maintenance. Discover essential practices that ensure your safety and the longevity of you and your equipment.

An accident involving hydraulic fluid (or hydraulic equipment in general) can be serious (and sometimes fatal), so this Shop Talk Blog post deals with key safety practices. 

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Reman Final Drives in a Greener World

by Dr McCaslin | Sep 29, 2024 |

Reman Final Drives, sustainability


When considering environmental sustainability, you don’t usually think of your older model skid steer loader. So many of these machines are well-made to the point that they can last for years and years. And many of us have machines that weren’t built for the environment. But did you know that you can still contribute to a green world with old machines?  This Shop Talk Blog post discusses how reman final drives can help you contribute to a greener world - regardless of the age of your machine.

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Metal Hardness and Your Final Drive Motor

by Dr McCaslin | May 27, 2024 |

Final Drive Failure, Materials


The choice of materials used in your final drive motor is extremely important. The engineers behind hydraulic motors don't randomly choose what type of steel or brass to use. So here is a quick introduction to one of the characteristics engineers consider: material hardness.

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Takeuchi TL8 Final Drive Motors

by Dr McCaslin | Apr 10, 2024 |

Reman Final Drives, Takeuchi

1 Comment

We’ve heard that some of our customers are having difficulty finding replacement Takeuchi TL8 final drive motors outside of the dealer. That’s why we’ve been remanufacturing so many lately. Learn more about the Takeuchi TL8 compact track loaders and the final drives we have in stock for them. 

Here are a few other Shop Talk Blog posts ...

Catastrophic Failure: Why Gear Oil Maintenance is So Important

What does catastrophic failure caused by a lack of maintenance look like? Let’s look at an example: a totaled planetary on a John Deere 332 final drive.

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