Shop Talk Blog

The Official Blog for Texas Final Drive

Inside the Reman Process: How a Dead Final Drive Gets a Second Life

by Jim Strong | Mar 21, 2025 |

Testing Final Drives, Reman Final Drives


When your final drive fails, we know that it’s far more than just a mechanical issue—it’s lost time, delayed projects, and severe stress on your bottom line. But a failed final drive doesn’t always mean you need a brand-new replacement. At Texas Final Drive, we specialize in remanufacturing final drives—taking what’s broken, rebuilding it to OEM or better standards, and giving it a whole new lease on life.

In this Shop Talk Blog post, we’ll discuss what happens behind the scenes when a “dead” final drive comes into our shop.

Here are a few other Shop Talk Blog posts you might find helpful:

A Masterclass in Maintaining Your Final Drives

If there’s one thing we know here at Texas Final Drive, it’s how we wish people would maintain their final drive motors. That’s why we’ve come up with this comprehensive guide to final drive motor maintenance. It touches on more than just the final drives, though, because issues such as track tension and even a dirty undercarriage can impact the performance of your final drives and cause premature wear.

A Deeper Dive into Petroleum-Based Hydraulic Fluids

by Dr McCaslin | Mar 06, 2025 |

hydraulic fluid


Skid steer loaders, compact track loaders, and mini-excavators typically use petroleum-based hydraulic fluids. How much do you know about the hydraulic fluids you work with every day? Let's see if we can share something you don't know yet!

Here are a few other Shop Talk Blog posts you might find of interest:

Hydraulic Hose Fittings: A Beginner’s Guide

by Jim Strong | Feb 22, 2025 |

hydraulic hoses, hose failure


Hydraulic systems are vital to your compact equipment, including SSLs, CTLs, and mini excavators. Hydraulic hose fittings, including those that connect final drives to your system, are key components that ensure the efficient transfer of hydraulic fluid and power. 

Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting, mastering the knowledge and skills associated with hydraulic hose fittings is important. This Shop Talk Blog guide covers everything you need to know, from understanding the types of hydraulic hose fittings to best practices for installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

Here are a few other Shop Talk blog posts you might find of interest:

FAQs About Remanufactured Hydraulic Final Drive Motors

by Jim Strong | Feb 18, 2025 |

Reman Final Drives


If you work in construction, landscaping, forestry, or agriculture, you know the importance of keeping your equipment in top shape. Final drive motors are essential for many machines, and when they fail, you're left with a tough decision: repair, buy new, or go with a remanufactured motor.

Below, we answer some common questions about remanufactured hydraulic final drive motors to help you make an informed choice.

Here are a few Shop Talk Blog posts you might find helpful:

1. What is a remanufactured final drive motor?

A remanufactured final drive motor is a used one that has been completely disassembled, cleaned, inspected, and rebuilt with new or reconditioned parts. It’s restored to meet or exceed the OEM performance and reliability standards. Think of it as getting a professionally restored classic car—old but running like new.

Wheels vs. Tracks for Skid Steers: Which One Should You Choose?

by Dr McCaslin | Feb 08, 2025 | |

If you use a skid steer, you’ve probably wondered whether wheels or tracks are better for your machine. Each option has its own set of pros and cons. The choice depends on your job, budget, and work environment.

Wheels vs. Tracks for Skid Steers Which One Should You Choose

In this Shop Talk Blog, we’ll help to break it down so you can decide what’s best for you.

Here are a few other Shop Talk Blog posts you might find interesting:

Prepping a Backyard Farm with a Compact Track Loader

by Dr McCaslin | Feb 03, 2025 |

Compact Track Loader, CTL


Many dream of turning their backyard into a farm, where they can grow fruits and vegetables, raise chickens, and even keep goats. Prepping your land is key to success, whether you’re planning to create a chicken coop, a goat pen, or a small orchard. Compact track loaders (CTLs) are the unsung heroes for projects like these. They combine versatility, power, and efficiency to help you transform your property. 

In this Shop Talk Blog post, let’s dive into how these machines can help you build the backyard farm of your dreams.

Here are a few other Shop Talk Blog posts you might find of interest:

Maximizing ROI From Compact Equipment: A Smart Business Owner's Guide

by Jim Strong | Jan 26, 2025 |

Compact Equipment


Compact equipment like skid steers and mini excavators are powerful tools for construction, landscaping, and agriculture -- and they represent a significant investment for any business owner. 

To ensure you're getting the most bang for your buck, maximize your return on investment (ROI). Here's how to calculate ROI, utilize attachments to diversify your services, and keep your machines running smoothly to minimize downtime.

Here are a few Shop Talk Blog posts you might find helpful:

The 8 Most Common Issues with Hydraulic Cylinders on Compact Equipment

by Dr McCaslin | Jan 18, 2025 |

Hydraulic Cylinders



Hydraulic cylinder issues, such as leaks, drift, rod damage, and slow operation, can significantly impact equipment performance and longevity. By addressing these common issues proactively, however, you can ensure optimal hydraulic cylinder performance and minimize downtime.

This Shop Talk Blog post talks about the most common hydraulic cylinder issues, what causes them, and how to prevent them.

Here are a few other Shop Talk Blog posts you might be interested in:

Final Drive Challenges: Pain Points for Compact Equipment Rental Businesses

Compact equipment rental companies face unique challenges when it comes to the final drive motors for their fleets because their equipment is often subjected to very heavy use by a number of different operators. This Shop Talk Blog post addresses the pain points and how to mitigate them.

Here are some additional Shop Talk Blog Posts you might find helpful:

Frequent Repairs and Unexpected Downtime

Because rental equipment is typically used intensively (and often improperly) by operators, it wears out more quickly and experiences breakdowns. Unexpected downtime for repairs and replacements is one of the main reasons why routine inspections and maintenance should be performed before a rental goes out and when one returns. Wear and unexpected downtime are also why rental companies must keep replacement parts on hand.

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