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The Official Blog for Texas Final Drive

Dr McCaslin

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The Many Applications of Excavators

by Dr McCaslin | Jan 09, 2019 |

Excavators, Mini-excavators, Compact Excavators


The excavator often serves as a general, all-purpose piece of heavy equipment, but it’s primarily known for its ability to dig. Digging isn’t all that it can do, of course -- and in this Shop Talk Blog post, we want to explore some of the other capabilities of the hydraulic excavator.

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Grease vs Oil, Or Why You Don't Put Grease in Your Final Drive Motor

by Dr McCaslin | Jan 08, 2019 |

Gear oil, Final Drive Problem, Lubrication, Grease


Some owners/operators see grease as a quick solution to a leaking seal, especially when it comes to a gear hub that is leaking oil. This is not a good temporary solution, much less a long-term solution. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we’ll explain why grease is not a solution to a leaking seal on a final drive gear hub -- and throw in an infographic for good measure!

Basic Types of Hydraulic Fluid for Heavy and Compact Equipment

by Dr McCaslin | Jan 02, 2019 |

Hydraulics, hydraulic fluid


Hydraulic fluids are the lifeblood of your hydraulic system. As such, they need unique properties that support lubrication, incompressibility, corrosion resistance, and heat transfer. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to talk about the different types of hydraulic fluid used in construction equipment, but we’ll start with a quick history lesson.

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2019 New Year's Resolution: Take Care of Your Final Drive Motors

Another new year is almost upon us, and with that comes resolutions. It seems that most of the resolutions we make we also end up breaking just a few weeks into the new year. That’s why we’ve decided to suggest some resolutions that you can keep and your final drive will thank you!

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Hydraulic Motor Cam Ring Wear

Here at Texas Final Drive, we work quite a bit with radial piston hydraulic motors and Geroler motors. These motors, like anything else mechanical, will eventually wear out. The most damaging wear affects the cam ring, and that’s the topic for this Shop Talk Blog post.


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If Santa Had a Skid Steer ...

by Dr McCaslin | Dec 21, 2018 |

Skid Steers, Skid-Steer Loaders, Christmas, Winter


If Santa had a skid steer, what kind of attachments do you think he would be needing? We have been fortunate enough to be in contact with a genuine elf who gave us the skinny on how Santa uses his skid steer loader. ;)

High Points in the History of Construction Machinery

by Dr McCaslin | Dec 19, 2018 |

Construction, History


The history of heavy equipment is fascinating, and there many different companies and people that contributed to its continuing development.  Here is just a sampling of some of the high points.  Let us know in the comments if you think something should be added!

Torque, Traction, and Horsepower in Hydraulic Motors

by Dr McCaslin | Dec 18, 2018 |

Hydraulic Motors, Torque


Torque, traction, and horsepower all play a role in propel motors.   In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to review  these subjects and how they are all related to each other in the context of final drive motors.


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When Professionals Run Into Problems With Final Drives This Is What They Do

Final drive motors, travel motors, and wheel motors are costly and vital to your equipment. When you run into problems with them, you might want to do what the professionals do. Here is some professional advice on how to handle problems with the hydraulic motors on your equipment.

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3 Common Misconceptions About Excavators

by Dr McCaslin | Dec 05, 2018 |

Excavators, Mini-excavators, Compact Excavators


In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to deal with three misconceptions about excavators, including the right way to dig, the best machine for digging a trench, and whether cleaning the undercarriage is important.

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