Shop Talk Blog

The Official Blog for Texas Final Drive

Dr McCaslin

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The Facts about Large Skid Steer Loaders

Large-frame skid steers weigh over 2,200 lbs and typically have more than 70 hp, and are accounting for more and more of US skid steer market. In this Shop Talk blog post, we are going to discuss the uses, benefits, and drawbacks of larger SSLs.

Drive Sprockets and Track Drives

by Dr McCaslin | Mar 25, 2019 |

Undercarriage, Tracks, Drive Sprocket


Drive sprockets work with your final drive or track drive in order to keep your machine moving.  To get the most out of your final drive, you need to understand the impact that the drive sprocket has on its performance and recognize the signs of sprocket wear.  And that is the topic of this Shop Talk Blog post!

Here are some other interesting Shop Talk Blog posts ...

Duo Cone Face Seal Failure

You may have a final drive motor or track drive that has a Duo-cone seal (aka, floating face seal). If you do, then you probably would like to know what causes premature failure of these seals so you can make sure yours lasts as long as possible -- and that's the topic of this Shop Talk blog post.

Here are other blog posts you might find interesting ...

Off-Planet Mining Equipment

by Dr McCaslin | Mar 13, 2019 |

Mining, Mining Truck

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While the idea of off-planet mining may seem to belong in a science fiction novel, there have been serious discussions about the idea. There have been studies into the economic feasibility of moon mining and NASA is interested in the design of excavators designed for use off-planet -- and Colorado School of Mines has a Space Mining program!

Here are a few other Shop Talk blog posts you might find interesting ...

Hard to Find Final Drives

There’s still a lot of equipment out there in operation that is … well … old. It was well made and, through maintenance and good care, has successfully outlived the expectations of many. However, things can become problematic when you can no longer find replacement parts for older equipment -- especially when you can’t find a replacement final drive motor or hydraulic pump. So, what can you do when your equipment is old enough that it becomes hard to find replacements for the track drives or final drive motors?

Here are a few other Shop Talk blog posts that might be helpful:

Bobcat Mini Excavator Final Drive Motor Removal

Do you own or operate a Bobcat mini-excavator? How much do you know about removing the track drive motor?  Well, in this Shop Talk Blog post we are going to review the steps involved in removing the drive motor safely and easily.

Check out these other articles on mini excavators and final drive motors:

Interesting Places to Find Hydraulic Systems

by Dr McCaslin | Feb 27, 2019 |

Hydraulic Motors, Hydraulics, hydraulic fluid


When it comes to technical advice, the Shop Talk Blog tries to focus on mobile hydraulic equipment such as skid steers, CTLs, and excavators. We do try to cover some topics that are related to hydraulics but not necessarily directly tied to compact equipment. In this blog post, we are doing just that with some examples of interesting places to find hydraulic systems at work.

Here are a few other Shop Talk blog posts you might find interesting ...

Hydraulic Hoses and Final Drives

by Dr McCaslin | Feb 25, 2019 |

Hydraulics, Hydraulic Lines, hydraulic hoses


Hydraulic lines, whether they are stiff pipes or flexible hoses, act as a key part of the circulatory system for your hydraulic machines.  Here are some hints and tips for dealing with the hydraulic hoses that connect your final drive to your machine’s hydraulic system.

Here are some other blog posts you might want to check out ...

Motor Graders: What Can They Do?

by Dr McCaslin | Feb 20, 2019 |

Motor Grader, Grader

1 Comment

Motor graders are used in several different industries, including construction, mining, landscaping, and road maintenance. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we’ll look at some of the many different uses for motor graders!

Revisiting the Topic of Gear Oil

Gear oil is an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to making your final drive motor last. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to talk about gear oil for final drives.

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