Shop Talk Blog

The Official Blog for Texas Final Drive

Dr McCaslin

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Background on Major Final Drive Motor Manufacturers

by Dr McCaslin | Nov 08, 2017 |

Final Drive, Manufacturers

Most people in this industry are familiar with prominent like Bobcat or John Deere, major manufacturers of earth moving and construction equipment that have a worldwide presence . However, not as many know about the manufacturers of the final drives that provide the torque for their equipment . In this Shop Talk Blog post, we will talk about five major manufacturers for final drives: Rexroth, Nachi, Eaton, Comer, and Bonfiglioli .

Monster Excavators by the Numbers

by Dr McCaslin | Nov 07, 2017 |



In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to look at 7 of the world’s largest excavators and consider them by the numbers. We’ve included several charts so you can get a quick idea of how they compare in terms of weight, bucket capacity, gross horsepower, track length, and more.  Have any of you guys ever worked with one of these monsters?  Tell us in the comments!

Excavating Deep Underwater

by Dr McCaslin | Nov 03, 2017 |

Excavators, Underwater Excavators, Subsea


There are two approaches to excavating underwater. The first is through the use of amphibious excavators which work primarily in swamps, marshlands, and relatively shallow water. This blog post focuses on the second approach: excavators used in deeper waters which are partially (or totally) submerged.

Self-Driving Track Loaders: What Are They Really Capable of Doing?

Built Robotics has introduced an autonomous (self-driving) track loader that promises to disrupt the construction equipment industry. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we share some of the questions and answers that we had about this technology, such as what its capabilities are and how it works.

4 Reasons Why You Should Consider a Reman Final Drive

by Dr McCaslin | Oct 30, 2017 |

Final Drive, Reman Final Drives


Reman/rebuilt final drives are an excellent option when your final drive or hydraulic motor refuses to work any longer. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to present four reasons why you should consider a reman final drive the next time you need a replacement: price, performance, availability, and warranty.

Worst Advice We've Ever Heard about Gear Oil

Here at Texas Final Drive, our technicians have rebuilt and repaired thousands of final drives. Through the years, we’ve seen first hand the results of equipment owners following bad advice when it comes to gear oil. Here are three examples of the worst advice we’ve heard about gear oil and final drive hydraulic motors.

5 Common Hydraulic Motor Questions Answered

In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to discuss the answers to five very common questions about hydraulic motors: what is a case drain, how do hydraulic motors fail, what exactly is displacement, how are hydraulic motors rated, and how does a hydraulic motor differ from a final drive?

Final Drive Maintenance with Dr. Drive!



Maintenance is never a popular subject - especially when you have deadlines looming over your head. But you NEED to do your maintenance! In this Shop Talk Blog post, we'd like to help you keep a healthy perspective on the subject of maintaining your final drives, track motors, and hydraulic motors by discussing two major maintenance steps you should never, ever neglect.

5 Bulldozer Questions Answered

Bulldozers, also known as dozers, crawler tractors, or crawler loaders, are found on just about every mining and construction site worldwide. In this Shop Talk Blog post, our goal is to discuss answers to common questions regarding our beloved bulldozer, including the origins of the bulldozer, how they are used, how they work, and what the biggest production bulldozer looks like.

Hydraulic Fluid Questions for Newbies

by Dr McCaslin | Oct 18, 2017 |

Hydraulic System, Hydraulics


In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to discuss some questions about hydraulic fluid that are for people new to hydraulics. We've tried to track down some practical answers to very common real-world questions, like whether hydraulic fluid will kill grass, and what to do when hydrualic fluid gets on asphalt.

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