Gehl is a well known manufacturer of agricultural and construction equipment. Their impressive product lineup includes skid steer loaders, track loaders, articulated loaders, compact excavators, asphalt pavers, and telescopic handlers. Today, Gehl equipment is a common sight on work sites across the US -- but how much do you know about its history? In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to journey back through the history of Gehl and learn how it grew to be a leader in compact and heavy equipment.
Dr McCaslin
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Got Gehl?
Heavy Equipment 101, Skid Steers, Compact Excavators, Gehl Equipment
|At Texas Final Drive, our new and reman/rebuilt final drives are covered by warranty. Our warranty, and warranties in general, are meant to cover defects in the company's products. That said, there are things that customers can do (or fail to do) that void the warranty. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to discuss five ways to void your final drive warranty so that you can make sure they don't happen with you.
4 Questions Answered about Hydraulic Pumps
Final Drive Motor Pumps, Eaton Hydraulic Pumps, Hydraulic Pumps
|Winter is coming -- and for many parts of the country, it feels as if winter's already here. But, as owner-operators of heavy machinery already know, winter brings a whole new set of challenges for the industry. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to talk about a few of those challenges and some of the opportunities disguised as challenges that are waiting to be exploited.
4 Bad Habits That Mini Excavator Owners and Operators Need to Quit
Excavators, Mini-excavators, Compact Excavators, Maintenance
|It’s important that your excavator is ready to work when the deadlines are looming ever nearer -- but there are some bad habits and patterns that all too many owners and operators fall into that compromise the performance and useful life of their excavator. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to talk about four bad habits that compact excavator owners and operators need to quit.
Hitachi is a well-known brand name in construction machinery, and in this Shop Talk Blog post we present several facts about Hitachi that you probably don't know. Be prepared to learn what hitachi means, the extremely diverse range of products manufactured by Hitachi through the years, and its relationship with John Deere.
Compact Track Loader Final Drives: 5 Signs They Need Service
Final Drive, Heavy Equipment, Final Drive Maintenance, Compact Track Loader
|There is never a convenient time to get the final drive on your CTL serviced, but servicing becomes necessary as time passes. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to discuss the signs that indicate the need for you to get your final drive serviced ASAP. Some of them are common sense, of course -- but others might not be so obvious.
5 Common Questions about Skid Steer Loaders
Heavy Equipment, Heavy Equipment 101, Skid Steers, Skid-Steer Loaders, Skidsteers, Skid Loaders
|Skid steer loaders haven’t decreased in popularity since they first became mainstream during the 1960s. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to answer some of the Internet’s most common question about this universally popular piece of compact equipment.
Our Favorite YouTube Channels about Compact Equipment
Heavy Equipment, Compact Track Loader, Compact Excavators, YouTube, Compact Equipment
|YouTube can be a great source of information for any niche you can think of. In fact, we at Texas Final Drive have our own channel where we occasionally try to educate and entertain viewers about final drives. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to introduce you to four of the best channels we have found for accurate, informative, and interesting videos related to compact equipment.
Hydraulic lines are a major part of any hydraulic system; the hydraulics on construction equipment such as skid steers, compact track loaders, and excavators are no exception. Since hydraulics are so vital to your equipment, we wanted to dedicate a Shop Talk Blog post to this subject. Whether you are maintaining your own equipment or restoring an older machine, here are five things you want to avoid doing with your hydraulic lines.