Shop Talk Blog

The Official Blog for Texas Final Drive

Dr McCaslin

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Short History of New Holland

by Dr McCaslin | Feb 08, 2018 |

Heavy Equipment 101, New Holland


New Holland is a well-known brand in both the agricultural and construction markets. In construction sites around the world, you can find backhoe loaders, compact crawler excavators, crawler dozers, crawler excavators, graders, skid steer loaders, and wheel loaders brandishing the bold mark of New Holland. If you live in a more agricultural area, you'll often see New Holland tractors, spreaders, combines, headers, and utility vehicles working on farms and ranches. New Holland is a brand that has truly permeated the heavy machinery industry, and is an interesting study for the history of heavy equipment manufacturers.

Generated Contamination in Final Drive Motors

Bearings, axles, and gears inside a hydraulic final drive motor can be seriously damaged by abrasive contaminants in the lubrication or hydraulic fluid. However, many people don’t realize that all final drives generate contaminants as part of their regular use. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to discuss generated contamination in your final drive motor, as well as how to keep that contamination to a minimum.

Just the Facts about Case Drain Filters

by Dr McCaslin | Jan 31, 2018 |

Final Drive Maintenance, Case Drain Filters


In this Shop Talk Blog post, our goal is to cover the basic facts about case drain lines, case drain filters, and filter elements. Topics include what case drain filters are made from, how they are made, and whether you clean them rather than replace them.

Final Drive Problem: High-Pitched Squeaking Sound

Does your final drive wail like a wounded animal? Scream like a banshee? Whine like an angry baby? Make unbearable squealing sounds?  Find out why in this Shop Talk Blog post where we discuss what causes the problem and how to solve it.

Skid Steer Maintenance Challenges in Agriculture

by Dr McCaslin | Jan 24, 2018 |

Skid Steers, Agriculture, Skid Loaders, Maintenance


Skid steers have become a fixture on modern farms. With the attachments available today, skid steer loaders have become very versatile and are used for all kinds of different tasks. With their compact size, maneuverability, and power, they have become invaluable for the day-to-day operations of running a farm.  When used in an agricultural setting, however, there are some special maintenance challenges that need to be addressed.

Hydraulic Motors vs Electrical Motors: Why Hydraulic Wins

by Dr McCaslin | Jan 18, 2018 |

Heavy Equipment 101


While both electric and hydraulic motors are used on construction equipment, hydraulic motors appear more common. In this Shop Talk Blog post, you’ll learn how electric and hydraulic motors compare when used for construction and mining equipment and why, ultimately, hydraulic motors are usually the first choice.

Monster Bulldozers by the Numbers

by Dr McCaslin | Jan 16, 2018 |



There are big bulldozers, and then there are the undisputed monster bulldozers. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to take a look at the world's biggest production bulldozers, comparing them side-by-side in terms of horsepower, dimensions, weight, and more.

What the Best Final Drive Pros Do (and You Should Too)

We know that some of our readers like to work on their own final drives, and some of you may work in a hydraulics or heavy equipment maintenance shop where you encounter final drives on a regular basis. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we present four tips from final drive motor pros that you can put into practice the next time you have to work on a final drive hydraulic motor.

Issues in Hydraulics for Mining

by Dr McCaslin | Jan 10, 2018 |



Mining - whether it involves coal, metals, or minerals - is a tough industry. The equipment used in mining needs to be equally tough, and the working conditions for mining equipment pose a rather unique combination of problems when it comes to hydraulics. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to talk about the issues involving the use of hydraulic components in mining equipment.

What Fleet Owners Need to Know About Hydraulic Motor Failure

by Dr McCaslin | Jan 04, 2018 |

Final Drive, Maintenance, Fleet Management


Hydraulic motors keep your fleet running -- whether you've got a full-size excavator with a track drive motor, a compact track loader with a final drive motor, or a skid steer loader with a propel motor. When any hydraulic motor fails, the rest of the machine won’t move. Here are three major things that fleet owners need to know regarding hydraulic motor failure.

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