Forestry in North America goes back to the days of the First Nations in Canada and the early colonists of the 1600s in the United States. Since then, both the methods and the machines used in logging have changed dramatically, with some of the most rapid developments taking place in the last 100 years. The focus of this Shop Talk Blog post will be to introduce you to the four most successful forestry equipment manufacturers in North America: Brandt, John Deere, Caterpillar, and Tigercat.
Hydraulic Equipment for Deconstruction and Demolition
Skid Steers, Excavators, Mini-excavators, Compact Excavators, Demolition, Deconstruction, Industry
|Both demolition and deconstruction make extensive use of hydraulic equipment to get the job done. This Shop Talk Blog post will explore how hydraulic equipment is used in this particular industry,
John Deere: A Sweeping History
Heavy Equipment, Heavy Equipment 101, Agriculture, John Deere
|Few companies represent the American Dream as well as John Deere and its eponymous founder. Today, John Deere is one of the most popular manufacturers of agricultural equipment worldwide. In this Shop Talk Post, we paint a picture that captures John Deere's humble roots, its period of astonishing growth, and its strong presence in the world today.
Troubleshooting Final Drive Problems - Eliminating External Causes
Final Drive, Final Drive Failure, Final Drive Motor Maintenance, Final Drive Maintenance
|Maintaining the Final Drive on Your Excavator
Final Drive, Final Drive Motor Seals, Final Drive Motors, Final Drive Maintenance, Excavators, Mini-excavators, Compact Excavators
|How to Get an Accurate Final Drive Diagnosis
Final Drive, Final Drive Failure, Travel Motor, Excavators, Mini-excavators
|When your final drive quits working, there is some information you can put together that will help a technician diagnose the problem more quickly and accurately. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to look at four questions you should ask before you send a final drive in for diagnosis or repair. Answering these questions will help you obtain a more accurate diagnosis of your final drive.
Materials Used in Excavator Buckets
Excavators, Mini-excavators, Materials, Excavator Buckets
|Have you ever wondered what kinds of materials are used in excavator buckets? In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to talk about the most common materials used in the pins, sides, cutting edge, shell, and teeth of excavator buckets.
Skid Steer Loaders in Agriculture
Skid Steers, Excavators, Mini-excavators, Agriculture, Compact Excavators, Skid-Steer Loaders, Skidsteers, Skid Loaders
|Even though the first skid steers were marketed to farmers, their market has expanded to the point that they are even more commonly used in construction, demolition, and landscaping operations. However, skid steers are still vital pieces of equipment in the agricultural industry. Skid steer loaders have a long and interesting history that began when a turkey breeder needed a effective way to keep his two-story barn clean. Now skid steer loaders have found so many different uses they've been nicknamed the "swiss army knives" of the compact equipment world. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to discuss the many different uses of skid steer loaders in agriculture.
Final Drive Leaks
Final Drive, Final Drive Failure, Final Drive Motor Maintenance, Final Drive Maintenance, Mini-excavators, Compact Excavators, Leaks
|One of the first signs of trouble with a final drive may be the presence of fluid where it shouldn’t be. Leaks will lead to final drive failure. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to discuss how to identify possible sources of leaks and the types of fluid involved.
Takeuchi Trivia
Skid Steers, Excavators, Mini-excavators, Compact Track Loader, Takeuchi, Compact Excavators