We’ve talked before about how 50% of your O&O costs are tied to the undercarriage of your CTL / MTL. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to discuss the impact of underfoot conditions, operating techniques, and typical applications on the undercarriage. We also talk about how a little bit of job site planning can go a long way in helping to reduce wear and tear on your heavy equipment.
Impact of Working Conditions on Your CTL / MTL Undercarriage
Hydraulic hoses are the circulatory system of your hydraulic machine. When they fail, the entire machine can compromised. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to talk about some of the most common causes of hydraulic hose failure on heavy equipment, and what can be done to prevent those failures.
This post involves something people either love or love to hate: MATH! Sometimes, it’s handy to be able to calculate things like speed, torque, and flow rate for your hydraulic motor. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to show you some common hydraulic motor calculations and provide examples on how to use them. Impress your mechanic or sales contact with your newfound technical knowledge! Let's start!
CTLs, SSLs, and Compact Utility Tractors: Which is Best?
Compact Track Loader, Skid-Steer Loaders, CTL, SSL, CUT, Compact Utility Tractors
|Which is better -- a compact track loader, a skid steer loader, or a compact utility tractor? If you're asking this very question, you're not alone. This topic comes up more often than you might think! In this Shop Talk Blog post, we endeavor to find some answers to that question, and the results may surprise you.
Maintenance Issues Faced by Rental Yards
Preventative Maintenance, Fleet Management, Predictive Maintenance
|The equipment rental industry is growing fast, and many experts attribute this growth to a customer base looking to access late model equipment without tying up their capital -- and without the overhead of maintenance. Maintenance is then the responsibility of the rental company, which poses a unique set of challenges. In this blog post, we are going to focus on some of those challenges and how they are successfully being met.
New Holland is a well-known brand in both the agricultural and construction markets. In construction sites around the world, you can find backhoe loaders, compact crawler excavators, crawler dozers, crawler excavators, graders, skid steer loaders, and wheel loaders brandishing the bold mark of New Holland. If you live in a more agricultural area, you'll often see New Holland tractors, spreaders, combines, headers, and utility vehicles working on farms and ranches. New Holland is a brand that has truly permeated the heavy machinery industry, and is an interesting study for the history of heavy equipment manufacturers.
Generated Contamination in Final Drive Motors
Maintenance, Preventative Maintenance, Final Drive Problem, Contamination
|Bearings, axles, and gears inside a hydraulic final drive motor can be seriously damaged by abrasive contaminants in the lubrication or hydraulic fluid. However, many people don’t realize that all final drives generate contaminants as part of their regular use. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to discuss generated contamination in your final drive motor, as well as how to keep that contamination to a minimum.
In this Shop Talk Blog post, our goal is to cover the basic facts about case drain lines, case drain filters, and filter elements. Topics include what case drain filters are made from, how they are made, and whether you clean them rather than replace them.
Final Drive Problem: High-Pitched Squeaking Sound
Final drive motor, Final Drive Diagnosis, Final Drive Problem, Troubleshooting
|Does your final drive wail like a wounded animal? Scream like a banshee? Whine like an angry baby? Make unbearable squealing sounds? Find out why in this Shop Talk Blog post where we discuss what causes the problem and how to solve it.
In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to address some of the most commonly asked questions about tractors -- some serious, some not so much. Do you know why the rear tires on a tractor are so large? How about what tractor was used on the television show Green Acres? What tractor is the largest in the world? Read on to find out!