In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to debunk four dangerous myths about undercarriage maintenance for compact track loaders and multi-terrain loaders. These myths include when to replace undercarriage parts, how often the undercarriage should be cleaned, the importance of daily walkarounds, and track tension.
4 Dangerous Myths of CTL / MTL Undercarriage Maintenance
Compact Track Loader, Compact Equipment, MTL, Multi Terrain Loader
|Anatomy of a Good Final Drive Maintenance Plan for CTLs and Mini-Excavators
Final Drive Motor Maintenance, Final Drive Maintenance, Mini-excavators, Compact Track Loader, Maintenance, Preventative Maintenance
|Final drives need scheduled maintenance if you want them to keep running when you need them the most. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to provide you with the anatomy of a good final drive maintenance plan for CTLs, MTLs, and mini-excavators. These are basic maintenance tasks that can literally save you thousands of dollars in repairs and down time.
Final Drive Hydraulic Motors and Gears
Final Drive Motor Gears, Final Drive Motor Maintenance, Final Drive Maintenance, Gear oil
|If you've ever opened up a final drive, you've probably encountered its gears. The gearing system in your final drive is vital to its proper function. A good understanding of gears, surface hardening, and signs of damage can help you keep your gears -- and your final drive -- in top operating condition.
Our Favorite YouTube Channels about Compact Equipment
Heavy Equipment, Compact Track Loader, Compact Excavators, YouTube, Compact Equipment
|YouTube can be a great source of information for any niche you can think of. In fact, we at Texas Final Drive have our own channel where we occasionally try to educate and entertain viewers about final drives. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to introduce you to four of the best channels we have found for accurate, informative, and interesting videos related to compact equipment.
Hydraulic lines are a major part of any hydraulic system; the hydraulics on construction equipment such as skid steers, compact track loaders, and excavators are no exception. Since hydraulics are so vital to your equipment, we wanted to dedicate a Shop Talk Blog post to this subject. Whether you are maintaining your own equipment or restoring an older machine, here are five things you want to avoid doing with your hydraulic lines.
In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to look at 7 of the world’s largest excavators and consider them by the numbers. We’ve included several charts so you can get a quick idea of how they compare in terms of weight, bucket capacity, gross horsepower, track length, and more. Have any of you guys ever worked with one of these monsters? Tell us in the comments!
There are two approaches to excavating underwater. The first is through the use of amphibious excavators which work primarily in swamps, marshlands, and relatively shallow water. This blog post focuses on the second approach: excavators used in deeper waters which are partially (or totally) submerged.
Built Robotics has introduced an autonomous (self-driving) track loader that promises to disrupt the construction equipment industry. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we share some of the questions and answers that we had about this technology, such as what its capabilities are and how it works.
Reman/rebuilt final drives are an excellent option when your final drive or hydraulic motor refuses to work any longer. In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to present four reasons why you should consider a reman final drive the next time you need a replacement: price, performance, availability, and warranty.