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The Official Blog for Texas Final Drive

Maintaining the Final Drive on Your Excavator

We know we harp on about maintenance for your final drive motors, but there's a great reason why: we know that your final drive will last years longer if you take care of it.  Repairs and replacements are not only expensive, but also lead to downtime, missed deadlines, and frustration . A few hours a year can save you a few weeks of lost time when your final drive breaks down unexpectedly! And it will break down, if you don't take care of it.  In this Shop Talk Blog post, we are going to talk about three key tasks that can help you keep the final drive on your hydraulic excavator running efficiently .

Most Common Failure Items on a Final Drive

Final Drive Motor Failure

There are certain items on a final drive that are more likely to fail than others.  They will cause damage to the motor, if left unchecked.  Routine maintenance of these items will not only prevent damage but greatly extend the life of the components of the final drive motor.

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