Dynapac is best known for paving equipment -- pavers, compactors, and milling equipment. We carry final drives for some of their equipment and would like to share with you some fast facts about this well known company.
A Short History of Dynapac
Dynapac was founded in Sweden and its roots go all the way back to 1934. Dynapac started with the name AB Vibro-Betong and within just two years of their founding they had already started innovating: in 1936 they introduced their first soil compactor.
After World War II was over, they established a factory in the US in 1946 and then in 1947 Dynapac engineers developed the very first vibratory plate compactor nicknamed “the frog.” By 1948, they opened a research laboratory specializing in the design of state-of-the-art paving equipment. By this time, the company had changed its name to AB Vibro-Verke.
Their first vibratory road roller came out in 1953, followed by the manufacture of heavy rollers in 1960.By 1970, their CA 25 road roller was the world leader in compaction rollers. The name we know it by -- Dynapac -- became official three years later in 1973.
Fascinating Facts!
Dynapac is a very interesting company, so here’s some cool trivia!

Image by Alf van Beem [CC0]
International Company
Dynapac has five manufacturing sites (Brazil, Germany, Sweden, India, China) and three distribution centers (United States, Belgium, and China) while employing around 1,280 people.
Dynapac has been acquired several times since the 1970s: Salco, Vibratechniques, Watanabe, Demag Schrader, Atlas Copco, and Fayat. Note that Fayat had already acquired Bomag several years before.
Color Change
In 2017, Dynapac changed from its traditional yellow color scheme to red, white, and grey because it was acquired by the Fayat Group.

Image by Sonaz [CC BY 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)]
Number of Machines in Use
There are an estimated 80,000 Dynapac machines in use around the world ... and considering there are almost 12 million miles of road in the world, this isn't surprising!
Dynapac is an international company that is the leader in road paving equipment and has a long history of innovation and quality -- and that's no surprise, considering how important innovation has been since their early years. And if you need a final drive for a Dynapac machine, be sure to check out Texas Final Drive's Final Drive Store.
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